Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Yesterday I started driving from San Antonio with the intention of stopping midway between there and Las Cruces New Mexico. It was early and I decided to just go for it. It was a 650 mile trip but I managed it in about ten and a half hours. I was glad to get out of Texas because the Western end of I-10 is nothing but open space and a lot of wind. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing the mountains from a distance and even the variation of weather patterns that were happening simultaneous to me passing through. You could see the rain along the Plains south of me and even north of me. Amazingly enough, I barely ran into any rain on my path. The wind however was another story. I am happy to say, though, that my camper trailer was not severely impacted by the gusting winds. That being said, it certainly did affect my gas mileage so. I was typically getting 15 to 16 miles per gallon and yesterday was barely able to maintain 11 to 12.  Somehow I knew I was ready to leave Texas and my good memories had been achieved and logged in my memories and blog. I was glad to get to New Mexico, as it is a different terrain, and a different style of culture. I like the Adobe looking colors and designs of the houses and buildings. Found a real comfortable and friendly RV Park. This is the most reasonable one so far and my next one and Albuquerque is also just as reasonable if not better. Anything at $20 a night or less is miraculous. That is something I'm learning about this journey. If I wasn't traveling alone I might consider parking in campgrounds or other out-of-the-way places that may not cost so much money but I am willing to pay the price for a little bit more security. I'm sure as I go along I will find a good comfort zone and knowledge of what works for me. Today I spent time doing some pragmatic errands and mapping out what I want to do while I'm here in the Las Cruces area. I am tempted to go to Roswell but it's quite a long drive. There's lots to see within a hundred-mile radius of Las Cruces and the White Sands certainly or high on that list. Tomorrow will be more about sightseeing and I'll have more to write about.

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